Aromatherapy or essential oil therapy is a holistic and complementary way of enhancing your health and well-being through a natural remedy.
Inside many plants, hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, leaves, and the bark, are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds, combined with a natural carrier oil, become essential oils.
The essential oils I work with have a therapeutic grade, which means they are so pure, that they can be used not only aromatically, but topically and internally as well.
Essential oils have healing properties for the body, mind, and emotions and can be used complementary for any situation, problem, and illness.

Essential oils, or aromatic oils as they were once called, have been used by many cultures around the world for centuries. Their uses varied between cultures, from religious purposes to healing the sick.
Cave paintings in France that have been carbon dated as far back as 18,000 BC are believed to depict medicinal plants and promote their use in healing.
The Ancient Egyptians were innovators in the use of essential oils. They used them in sacred rituals, such as mummification and anointing statues of the deities, and in daily life for religious rituals, medicine, makeup and bathing.
The scented barks, leaves, stalks, rind and roots of plants were used to make powders, tablets, incense and perfume.
When the essential oils are of such high and pure quality, as oils from Doterra or Young Living, there are 3 ways to use them:
1. Inhalation
Aromatic application such as diffusor, or out of the bottle
2. Topical
Placing the essential oil on some area of the body (skin, hair, nails, teeth)
3. Internal
A few, not all, essential oils can be consumed and used internally, such as lemon and peppermint. Just put one drop of the essential oil in a glass of water or under your tongue
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you
that is greater than any obstacle.
- Christian D. Larson
I love to integrate essential oils into my work with my clients because they are a very effective additional support to enhance well-being and health for body, mind, and spirit. Oils don't only affect the body, they are also beneficial for emotions and mental health.
I use the oils myself daily and just love the wonderful smell of lavender in the evening, before going to bed or the energizing lemon in the morning to get started for the day.
Are you curious about the oils and wonder which might be the right one for you?
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